Sunday, December 19, 2021

Installing Your Membrane Switch – All The Key Steps

Membrane switches are touch-sensitive devices. They’re manufactured by printing, clipping, and laminating extremely thin-film plastic materials. That’s why even applying fingertip force on the front surfaces of these switches triggers momentary electrical contacts. A membrane switch manufacturer is essential in various industries. Most medical equipment, electrical appliances, communication tools, and microprocessor-based control systems feature this switch technology. It’s the most reliable front panel solution in the market. These switches offer amazing flexibility. They’re sealed, so cleaning them is also easy. However, you need to install these switches correctly to get the best results. Here are all the key steps for installing membrane switches.

Preparing for Installation

After bringing your membrane switch home, review its bottom side. It should have an adhesive liner. Cut a small portion of the adhesive liner. Turn the switch over and locate the exit slot. You’ll find this slot at the tail end of the switch unit. This slot will be used to mount the switch. Pass your cable through the tail exit slot. Make sure the flex cable passes completely through this slot. Now, locate the back-support indentation on your appliance. Position your switch on this indentation. Use the exposed region of the adhesive liner to stick the switch to your unit’s surface.

Installing the Switch

After sticking the membrane switch to your unit’s surface, hold it at an angle of 45-degrees. While holding the switch in this position, peel off the remaining portion of the adhesive liner. You may need a soft roller for this next step. Gently laminate the switch with the soft roller. Apply very little pressure when rolling the soft roller across the switch’s top surface. Start this step from the side where the adhesive liner is already removed. Roll gently and gradually reduce the angle at which the switch is positioned on the unit.

Finishing Up

After some minutes of gradually lowering the angle of the switch, the lamination process will be complete. Avoid pressing the circuits or domes on the switch during this process. There’s a risk of air bubbles forming in-between the different switch layers. To avoid this, use the soft roller at the lowest possible angles. This will help avoid air bubbles. Now, start bending and pressing your circuit (very gently) - the lamination is done. However, make sure no damage is caused to the switches in the first few minutes of use. Be extra careful to ensure the buttons or the metal domes on the switch don’t invert or bend. Or else the switch may not function properly.

Final Take

Once you’ve completed the installation, avoid lifting the switch at all costs. Even slightly repositioning the switch could invert the domes or the buttons. The installation process is critical to ensuring you make the most out of your purchase. Every membrane switch manufacturer recommends it. Follow every step to ensure you don’t accidentally damage your switch during installation. Use this step-to-step installation guide if you’re installing your membrane switches on your own. If an engineer or electrician is taking care of your installation process – make sure they exercise utmost care. For more information visit here: CSI Keyboards, Inc.

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